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We wish we could, and we realize that this is an inconvenience. Some manufacturers have a minimum advertised price (MAP) for their products. If our price is lower than their MAP, the manufacturer does not allow us to show you our price until you add the item to your shopping cart.
The Thompson .45 ACP models produced by Auto-Ordnance and Kahr Arms in Worcester, MA are faithful semi-auto firing replicas of the famous “Chicago Typewriter®.”
Please contact your dealer and have them send a copy of their FFL and SOT to with your order number in the subject line of the email. Failure to do so will result in your order being delayed as we cannot file your Form 3 until we have a copy of your dealer's FFL and SOT. We will file the required Form 3 once we receive your dealers FFL and SOT.
Marketplace Deals
Marketplace Deals are items that are shipped by trusted third-party sellers. Customer service and payment are still handled by Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. Additional shipping charges may apply.