38 Super 1911 Pistols For Sale

In 1929, the first .38 Super Colt M1911A1 was manufactured. This all-new cartridge was a .38 ACP built to fire at higher pressures, putting even more firepower in the hands of the shooter. While it only briefly saw use as a law enforcement weapon until the mid-30s, the .38 Super has become one of the favorite cartridges of competitive practical shooters a century later. Explore .38 Super 1911 pistols designed by top manufacturers today at Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore.

Shop .38 Super Colts, Kimbers, and More

While early prototypes of the .38 ACP cartridge in 1900 had powerful loadings, they were too unstable to fire 130-grain bullets at over 1200 ft/s reliably. For safety, commercial loadings kept the velocity at around 1000 ft/s. This was solved in 1929 with the .38 Super cartridge, built for the first .38 Super Colt M1911A1. It provided high ballistics on par with .38 ACP prototypes without sacrificing reliability.

While it never had mainstream appeal, this caliber for semi-auto handguns became extremely popular among competitive practical shooters in the 1980s, especially those in the International Practical Shooting Confederation. It achieves a Major power factor without the significant recoil of a round like .45 ACP, allowing for higher final scores.

Shop 1911 pistols chambered in .38 Super for sale here at Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore!

Quality Firearms at Competitive Prices

Since 2007, Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore has been the go-to gun store for shooters from all walks of life. We're proud to stock everything from classic lever-action rifles to police trade-in Glocks. No matter whether you're a hunter, competitive shooter, or a civilian who always carries, you can find the firearms you need in our collection.

To ensure you're never stuck with unexpected backorders or shipping delays, all of our guns for sale are currently in stock. They ship nationwide, with free shipping to our customers in the Lower 48. And if you get one of our used guns, your order comes with our 30-day money-back guarantee for any reason – no questions asked.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I get a .38 Super Colt 1911 pistol?

If you're either a competitive shooter or a vintage gun collector, a .38 Super 1911 pistol is a great gun for you. Competitors will appreciate its relatively low recoil compared to other powerful handgun calibers and its ability to use lightweight bullets to improve precision. Collectors should look for one of Colt's original M1911s chambered for this caliber. However, if you're just looking for a personal defense weapon, something chambered for .45 ACP or 9mm Parabellum would provide sufficient stopping power and precision while also being easier to find ammo for.

Is it hard to find .38 Super for sale?

As it's a niche caliber, it should be no surprise the .38 Super ammo is relatively hard to find – but not impossibly so. You can find it in many gun stores, but your brand and bullet-type selection will be limited. It will also be more expensive than widely produced rounds like the 9mm.

Can you deliver a .38 Super Colt pistol to my home?

No. We cannot deliver firearms to just anyone. We can only ship firearms to gun stores with a valid FFL. You will need to ship your order to your local FFL dealer, and then pick it up from them when it arrives.