Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore is proud to offer Law Enforcement/Military discounts on Vortex Optics to support those who protect and serve communities across the United States.
Qualifying Individuals:
Click here
Corrections/Parole/Probation Officers
Court Judges, District Attorneys and Deputy District Attorneys
Department of Defense
Employee - Vortex Optics
Federal Flight Deck Officers
Firefighters and Volunteer Firefighters
Law Enforcement - Sworn officers, including Federal, State, County, & City
Law Enforcement - Reserve
Law Enforcement - Retired officers with "retired" credentials
Military - Active
Military - Honorably Discharged
Military - National Guard
Military - Reserve
Military - Retired with "retired" credentials
Military - Veteran
State Licensed Security Companies and State Licensed Armed Security Officers
It looks like you aren't logged in. Customers that have purchased LE/Military items before may already have an activated Vortex account. If you've purchased any of these items before,
sign in
to your account to see if you qualify.