Taurus large frame revolvers deliver the goods in a big way when the chips are down. The model 44 offers up 6 rounds of full power .44 Magnum loads. Hammer forged for tough performance and confidence-boosting accuracy, these decision-makers come with hand-fitted actions, and clean, crisp triggers right out of the box. New innovations include ported barrels that reduce muzzle flip and felt recoil.
It looks like a functioning handgun all the way down to its rifling, shape and weight. Excellent for cool paperweight or conversation starter. Can not be converted to shootable version as the cylinder does not lock in place. Expensive for a paperweight and shooting versions in other makes can be had for similar prices. Customer support is awesome thanks David and refunded my payment without issue. Sportsman's can not be held responsible for merely transferring this eurotrash.
This gun has been absolutely amazing. For anyone looking for this style of revolver, it has been accurate, and very reliable.