Buy any new Sig Sauer P320 Pistol and receive a free Vaultek LifePod safe after mail-in rebate.
Offer expires Mar 24, 2025
Unlike any other pistol in its class, the P320 Compact 9mm features a unique 5-point safety system:
I like the image of the gun, also trust the quality of it. However, for unknown reason, this gun is not as accurate as I expected. It always has one or two bullets out of the group when I shoot it with 5-round group.
This gun is excellent. I shopped and watched reviews against the Glock 19 and the FNS. All are good guns. I've shot a few Glocks and picked up the FNS to get a feel vs the Sig. I preferred the feel of the Sig and the reviews just pushed me more in that direction. This is my second pistol to own. I also own the Taurus PT111 G2, great little gun for $200 and I enjoy shooting it. However, I was looking for the next level, and the P320 is it. First trip to the range, and groups were tighter. The rounds go where you intend them to. The trigger is outstanding, very crisp, and precise. My buddy (Glock owner) went to the range with me today and immediately put holes in the red. He now wants to trade in his 3 month old G19. If you are considering this gun, don't hesitate. You'll be more than satisfied. It shoots great, feels great, and looks great. Winner.