In recent years, the GECO pistol cartridge assortment has been customized to the demands of our customers and extensively enlarged. Currently, GECO is offering 17 loads with cartridges in nine different calibres. These cover all relevant fields of application like precision shooting, dynamic sport disciplines, hunting, protection and self-defence.
The Full Metal Jacketed Round-Nose bullet has a technically simple design that is favorable for production, making it especially interesting for shooters who engage in intensive training. The ogival form feeds very reliably, thus helping to ensure that the weapon operates reliably.
My husband and I shoot 9mm Geco 124 grain thru our CZ 75 TS pistols. While we prefer the bi-metal Swiss round, the German round is comparable. Geco is stupid accurate and clean shooting compared to American made loads. It's not too hard to find on sale and should be snapped up in quantity. This munition is ISPC rated right out of the box, so it's an approved power factor for competition. Give it a go and you'll see what we mean!!!