For a limited time between now and August 31st, 2024, you can personalize your very own serial number on this Henry Rifle. Make it the perfect gift, or keep it in your family to pass down for generations.
You can add your family's name into your serial number, or make it the birthdate of someone you care about. The serial number is entirely up to you!
Whether or not you already own a Henry rifle or if you haven't come around to it yet, we think this is an amazing opportunity to personalize your own gun - something firearm manufacturers rarely allow.
Place your order anytime before August 31st, 2024.
These Henry rifles are made-to-order and are not currently in stock.
Estimated delivery time is early December.
The H004Y is the compact version of Henry's award winning Golden Boy rifle. With a shorter barrel and length of pull, this compact version is ideal for smaller-framed shooters who may find it easier to handle. Comes with a brass barrel band.
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