Browning knows the 2nd Amendment is a cornerstone one of American freedom.
In honor of the right to keep and bear arms, Browning is giving you back
10% of the purchase on any new Browning firearm.
Offer expires Apr 15, 2025
Top tier accuracy gives confidence at longer distances. Not every kind of hunting and every kind of hunter demands or needs the kind of accuracy and performance offered by this rifle. But if you do . . . the entire package is configured to provide a top level hunting experience when you know there is a chance you will need to reach out beyond 200 or even 300 yards -- distances very common in western big game and varmint hunting. And make no mistake, this rifle, when fitted with good optics and partnered with the right ammo and the right shooter, can reach way beyond this. It is a 1000 yard capable rifle. And as far as we, the hunters, are concerned, that kind of distance may not be relevant for most hunting, but it does give us total confidence at hunting ranges where we still have bullet and load effectiveness on game animals.
Proven, plus extras. The list of features below includes many of the proven X-Bolt features plus the extras that make this rifle so special. As a Limited availability rifle, it has a limited production run and the potential for any future runs is uncertain. So, if you like what you see, check this rifle out at your dealer. If he does not have one in stock have him or her check on our inventory. If we have the caliber you desire, your new limited series rifle can arrive quite quickly.
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