Fully licensed by Glock, this 19X replica is a prime example the Umarex stamp of quality craftsmanship, attention to detail, and realism.
Based on Glock's first “crossover pistol," combining a full-sized frame with a compact slide, this CO2 BB Gun boasts markings and dimensions identical to the Austrian real-steel pistol. This replica even matches a wide range of holster systems for the Glock 19X, allowing for tactical training possibilities in which shooters can hone their skills drawing, acquiring targets, and placing accurate follow-up shots.
The Umarex G19X features actual blowback-action that rachets up the realism, making this pistol an ideal candidate as a firearm trainer (not to mention, how much more fun you'll have just plinking with it.) It’s finished in a striking flat dark earth (FDE) colorway, just like its centerfire inspiration.
Load a CO2 cartridge into the drop-free 18-round magazine, fill it with BBs, pop in the magazine, rack the slide, and you’re ready to send steel BBs downrange as fast as you can pull the trigger. This handsome 18-shot repeater has clocked velocities of up to 377 fps.
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