The Taurus Tracker family includes a full range of calibers and sizes to perfectly suit any hunting adventure. Chambered in .357 Magnum, these rugged, durable revolvers also make a practical choice for backpacks and tackle boxes, especially where there are bears and other predators around. Extremely comfortable to fire and easy to control - the Tracker Series continues to grow in popularity thanks to its high level of accuracy, rock-solid performance and near-indestructible construction.
LOVE this gun. It shoots smoothly, fits in my hand just right, and it on target. It's just a real joy to take to the range.
This gun is sweeeeet. Got a chance to go to the range and shoot this baby and it was love at first trigger pull. I shot .38 special silver tips, two cylinders worth, and its all I needed to shoot to be satisfied of my markswomanship and the gun’s functionality. Besides, those silvertips arent cheap and I dont buy range ammo, not in .38, 9mm, 5.56 nato or 12g slugs. I've got nothing negative to say about this Taurus. The recoil was minimal, I contribute that to the ammo I used. No misfire or any other issues. I'm completely satisfied.